Monday, May 26, 2008

Starting to feel like home

Yesterday I realized that Dongtan feels like home now. Which isn't bad considering I've actually only been here a month. I spent the weekend in Itaewon (the part of Seoul near the US base) and then came home Sunday afternoon and as the bus arrived here I finally had that I'm home feeling. I always find it interesting to see how long it takes after a move. Anyways, I decided this weekend that although Itaewon is a fun place to visit I definitely wouldn't want to live there. There's just too much going on and it really doesn't even feel like Korea at all.

This isn't related to Korea at all but I have a new favourite cd, which you should all rush out to get. It's the soundtrack to the movie Once, which I'm about to watch. And it it just amazing. It's the singer from The Frames, so it's no big surprise that I like it but still - it kills me. I've pretty much just been listening to it over and over on repeat.

I tried again this weekend to activate my cellphone since I finally got my ARC (alien registration card). Turns out my plan to buy a cheap used phone was not so great. The phone is apparently a stolen phone so no one will activate it. I'm going to try to bring it back this weekend, but I don't really see that working out since I have no receipt.

I don't really have anything else too exciting to say. I've been trying to focus more on school the last week or so. I'm really enjoying my class. And my middle school class is going much better now. They've started to talk more and occasionally even smile when I make a joke. Ahh, teenagers.

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